UI Design

MTA TrainTime

TrainTime simplifies ticket purchasing and train tracking on the Long Island Rail Road and Metro-North Railroad, providing a seamless experience for both new users and regular commuters.

My Role

My Team



UX Research
UI Design
Design Systems
Gabriella Ramirez
Angela Chen
Lavan Chxeidze
Julia Iannacone
4 months

The Problem 🤔

The Solution 💡

Commuters on the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) face high costs, safety concerns, reliability issues, stress, and navigational confusion, highlighting the need for improvements in the service. How might we make a more streamlined travel experience for commuters?

We redesigned the app and added more features to be more user-friendly, accessible and convenient to provide a more seamless trip for all commuters

User Personas 👥

The Problem 🤔

The Solution 💡

Commuters on the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) face high costs, safety concerns, reliability issues, stress, and navigational confusion, highlighting the need for improvements in the service. How might we make a more streamlined travel experience for commuters?

We redesigned the app and added more features to be more user-friendly, accessible and convenient to provide a more seamless trip for all commuters

03. Features

Swift Reorder
Users can easily reorder any trips within the app itself. User can search and filter for destination stops to reorder ticket. This feature enhances convenience for a way to purchase LIRR tickets more effectively and organized for commuter.
Cart Updates
By implementing the update section, users can communicate with other travelers with similar concerns, dilemmas, and perspectives so they can select the most convenient route and car for travel.
Seamless Travel
Users can effortlessly navigate to any desired destination, enjoying the freedom to choose from a wide array of transportation options. They can benefit from detailed GPS navigation and real-time updates, ensuring a hassle-free and smooth travel experience. This integrated feature eliminates the hassle of switching between multiple apps and provides comprehensive directions.
Sleep Detection
Sleep Detection on your smart watch measures your heart rate and produces an extended vibration once your stop is near. Smart Watch also displays Ticket QR code for an easy, quick scanning process.

02. Deliverables

Universal Design

User-friendly design that caters to diverse needs and preferences, ensuring inclusivity for all users.

Clear notifications, streamlined navigation, and improved ticket/trip info enhance the user experience.

Improved user experience with welcoming design and innovative community feature fostering safer commuting.

Prioritized inclusivity with labeled text, high contrast, and bold icons for an accessible user experience.

Design Statement

Our goal in redesigning the MTA TrainTime app was to create a user-friendly experience while maintaining the essence of the MTA brand. With a fresh aesthetic inspired by the iconic blue and yellow color scheme, we aimed to enhance user satisfaction and create an enjoyable journey for all MTA TrainTime users.

Design System


• We redesigned the app to be more user-friendly and accessible for commuters
• Our innovative features removes the stress associated with commuting, resulting in a streamlined and inviting app experience.  
• UX research was essential in determining which features to prioritize, providing valuable insights for maximum impact.