Product Design

SUDA: Protest Safety

SUDA is more than an app; it's a movement towards safer, united, and informed activism. Our mission is to empower activists, fostering a sense of community, and ensuring their safety during protests.

My Role

My Team



UX Research
UI Design
Design Systems
Gabriella Ramirez
Tasha Bwalya
Paula Rey
4 months
After Effects
Premiere Pro

The Problem 🤔

The Solution 💡

How can people protest around the world safely?

Create a product that would promote protest safety by giving users features that give live updates and information about protests in their area.

02. Process

03. Discover

Empathy Interviews 💬

We conducted empathy interviews as a crucial step in understanding the unique needs, challenges, and aspirations of activists. These interviews were designed to dive deep into the lived experiences of individuals engaged in various forms of activism, from on-the-ground protests to virtual advocacy.

Competitive Analysis 📊

In our competitor analysis, we examined popular apps to gain insights into their user experiences and overall functionality. This analysis informs our approach to refining SUDA, ensuring it stands out in meeting the safety and communication needs of users in a comprehensive and user-friendly manner.

User Personas 👥

Maya Johnson
Age: 19
Occupation: College Student
Alex Afton
Age: 32
Occupation: Social Worker
Karen Thompson
Age: 52
Occupation: Marketing Manager

04. Define

Theme 1: Safety 🔒
Safety is a key theme, emphasizing the critical need for tools prioritizing activists' well-being. Users stress features for real-time safety updates, empowering them to navigate protests securely.
Theme 2: Connections 🤝
Fostering community emerged as a key theme. Users desire features that facilitate networking, creating a supportive environment for shared experiences and collaborative activism.
Theme 3: Education 📚
Users highlight a theme of addressing knowledge gaps in activism, emphasizing the need for accessible resources on legal rights, protest tips, and education to empower them in navigating complexities.

05. Solution



Enables real-time location sharing with trusted contacts during protests, along with viewing fellow participants' statuses and locations. Provides live updates on ongoing events for enhanced awareness and preparedness.

Community Connect

Facilitates collaboration and knowledge exchange among activists through discussion forums that provide credible sources. Easily connect with other activists and chat directly with them.


Provides practical knowledge to empower users to protect themselves and others during demonstrations with AI-curated lesson plans and quizzes.


• Throughout our product design project for protest safety, we learned that user empathy is a must, collaborative design leads to better outcomes and that research is critical when it comes to designing.

Next Steps

• Create a live calendar to find local protest dates and create more of a community.

• Develop a a functional prototype and design system.